Specialized in Bike & Car Care Products

LM Liquid Wax

LM liquid wax

One’s car should look perfect and new at least from the outside to impress onlookers. Enter, our liquid car polish wax. It will make your car shine and look brand new. It will also make your car smell pleasant from its exterior. Its other benefits are listed below. If you’re wondering where to buy liquid wax, just visit our official website.


  • When applied to the exterior of your car, it will make your car shine and look new thus impressing onlookers. It can also cover up minor scratches on your car.
  • It will protect your car’s paint from fading or peeling away by protecting it against the UV rays of the sun. Our liquid car polish wax will form a layer between your car’s paint and the sun’s rays and protect it from the UV rays of the sun.
  • Our liquid car polish wax will protect your car’s metal from moisture and thereby rust formation. It will also protect your car’s metal from corrosion due to salty air (excess humidity).
  • Our premium car polish wax will also protect your car’s exterior from the corrosive and damaging elements of nature like mud, sand, tar, leaves blown by the wind, salt, moisture, insects, and grime.
  • Our liquid car polish wax is easy to apply on your car and adheres to its exterior quickly. It also offers long-lasting protection against the elements of nature and does not need to replenished frequently thus saving you money in the long run.
  • Our liquid car polish wax is very popular and is widely used in car garages. Around 5 litres of our liquid car polish wax is applied to around 50 normal sized cars to protect their paints from the harsh elements of nature and to give those cars a pleasant smell.
  • It is reasonably priced for the quality it has and the long-lasting protection it offers. Only a small amount of the liquid wax needs to be applied every time to give a shine to your car. Therefore, it will save you a considerable amount of money in the long run.